Sales Mama with Sausha Davis

Is Your Open Sign On?

Sausha Davis

Ready to step up your game and build the habits that make success inevitable? Join your host, Sausha, as she dives into why consistency is the secret sauce to crushing your business, sales, and personal goals. In this episode, Sausha keeps it real and relatable while challenging you to rethink your approach to showing up.

What you’ll hear:  

  • 💪 Why most people quit too soon and how to stay in it for the long haul.  
  • 📅 The power of sticking to 30-60-90 days before throwing in the towel.  
  • 📱 Social media = your “open” sign. Are you showing up or closing shop?  
  • 🔥 The magic of creating small, consistent habits that build trust and momentum.  
  • 🧠 How consistency translates into muscle memory for success.  

Stop breaking promises to yourself and start embodying the leader you’re meant to be. No perfection required – just progress! 🌟

💥 Let’s flex those consistency muscles together!

What's Happening at Sales Mama School this Month?

🌟 P.S. Don't miss my $17 Playbook—a game-changing resource that could easily be worth $2500. Trust me, it’s a steal! Grab it HERE 🎉

💫 Come check out the fun on Instagram!

Until next time, stay inspired, keep selling, and take care of those little ones. Peace out! ✌️

0:00: Hey, hey, welcome back to another episode of the Sales Mama podcast. 
 0:03: I'm your host, Sasha Davis. 
 0:05: If you listened to the last episode, you're probably like, who the fuck is this bitch? 
 0:10: But it is what it is. 
 0:12: So sometimes I get a little passionate, sometimes I get a little fired up, but that is me. 
 0:16: I am not your average everyday Joe Schmo, whatever from down the street. 
 0:22: Like I am a whole another breed of cat over here and so. 
 0:29: The thing I want to share with you today. 
 0:32: is not to give up so easy. 
 0:35: Not to give up so easy on your dreams. 
 0:37: I know we're here talking about sales, we're talking about business, and I find a lot of times people are willing to stick with something for a short period of time, but they're not in it for the long haul. 
 0:52: And so hear me out. 
 0:53: For example, you want to try an ad, you want to try a new call system, you want to try a new program, you want to try a new technique or something along those lines, right? 
 1:08: And I know there is some truth to, you know, if it's not working, you know, hire fast fire fast type of stuff, but Sometimes or most of the time, you have to give something a legit 30, 60, 90 days to see if it's actually working, and most people don't have the patience or the tolerance. 
 1:35: To give that amount of time. 
 1:40: To anything, let alone their business, right? 
 1:44: If something's not working within 7 to 10 days, they want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, right? 
 1:51: They're like, screw it, this sucks, this isn't working. 
 1:54: Pivot, pivot, pivot, pivot. 
 1:56: And don't get me wrong, being an entrepreneur, that's all about pivoting. 
 1:59: Being a business owner, it's all about pivoting. 
 2:02: But at some point, you also have to put in the reps. 
 2:07: You have to put in the wraps. 
 2:09: I don't know how else to say it. 
 2:11: Most people are not willing to put in the reps, right? 
 2:14: And this goes to connecting with your audience. 
 2:18: I think it's so funny, and I'm guilty of this too, right? 
 2:22: Like I'm still a human having a human experience in no way, shape or form am I perfect? 
 2:27: I know that. 
 2:28: People tell me all the time. 
 2:31: Trust me, I am fully aware that I am not perfect. 
 2:35: And so what I want to say is You, for whatever reason. 
 2:42: Don't give something. 
 2:44: Your 80% or 90% commitment, yet you expect people to invest in your product or service 100% of the time when you're not even giving yourself 100%, let alone even like 75%, 80%, or 90%, right? 
 3:02: What do I mean by this? 
 3:03: Let's just take simplicity. 
 3:06: For like posting on social media, for example, OK? 
 3:10: We all know we need to do it. 
 3:12: We all know we need to do it. 
 3:14: This day and age, you need social media, yet people are like, I don't want to. 
 3:20: They cry about it, right? 
 3:23: Suck it up. 
 3:24: That's part of where online business and business in general is going. 
 3:28: If you don't have a social media, you are going to get left in the dust. 
 3:32: Now, whether or not you are the one posting every single day, that's entirely up to you. 
 3:37: But if you're trying to grow a brand that speaks authenticity, that you need to be a part of that vision. 
 3:43: You need to be a part of that brand. 
 3:45: And this is something that I have experimented with, where I have fully stepped away or I have been a little bit in it. 
 3:51: And so I need to do a little bit of revisioning and revamping for this avenue of my business because I have noticed ebbs and flows of how often I show up because I have a very unique brand voice, if you will, and it's hard for others to mimic me and not saying that others haven't tried, right? 
 4:13: Like what I mean like people on my team, right? 
 4:17: And so I have people specifically to help me with social media, but Depending on how much you show up and what you do when you show up, that can, that type of consistency can really weigh on your ideal client, OK? 
 4:33: So for example, like if somebody was coming to look for you and you're frustrated that your sales have dropped, but if I went to your social media and the last time you posted was a week ago. 
 4:43: I don't want to hear any excuses about you complaining about your sales because you are not showing up. 
 4:50: OK? 
 4:51: Think of your social media, your business, your newsletter, your ad spend, I don't know, your media publicity, all of those things, as your open sign to your business. 
 5:03: And if you are not consistently Marketing yourself and selling yourself and putting yourself in front of new audiences, you might as well put a big fat clod sign. 
 5:16: On your business because nobody's going to know that you're open. 
 5:19: Nobody's going to know that you're open. 
 5:22: And so if somebody for whatever reason comes to your page and they look and they're like, Hey, this person has exactly what I want or need, and they start doing their creeping like everybody does. 
 5:32: Like I said, this day and age everybody is creeping and you are crazy to think that people are not doing the creeping on you. 
 5:41: They're googling you, they're Facebooking you, they're Instagramming you. 
 5:44: Hell, they probably have some type of police scanner and are running your freaking credit score and your criminal record. 
 5:51: would not be surprised, OK? 
 5:55: And if you're not showing up consistently. 
 5:58: That shows lack of trust. 
 6:01: Well, if they're not even showing up, how am I going to know that they're going to still be here in 1 month from now or in 2 months from now? 
 6:08: You have to prove to people that they can trust you. 
 6:12: People have lack of trust in the system right now in online businesses and coaches and consultants, in everything, right? 
 6:20: Media in general, and there's a lot to unpack there, but what can you do to stand out above the crowd? 
 6:30: Be consistent, show up, do what you say you're going to do. 
 6:34: And it doesn't have to be perfect. 
 6:36: We've all, if you've come here, you know that I'm all about progress over perfection. 
 6:41: And I think showing up as you are. 
 6:44: Means a hell of a lot more than waiting for the perfect opportunity or the perfect post or any of those things because the more you show up, the easier it will get, the more quote unquote perfect it will become. 
 6:58: So anything you practice in life, think of it as like if you were showing up to the gym. 
 7:03: You're practicing weight lifting, you're practicing yoga, you're practicing running, you're practicing reading, you're practicing a new language. 
 7:12: Anything that you do consistently. 
 7:14: You will get better at So what happens if you start consistently posting on social media? 
 7:20: What happens if you consistently start reaching out to people? 
 7:24: What happens if you consistently start doing sales calls? 
 7:27: What happens if you consistently start to show up as a leader, right? 
 7:33: You will start to embody those things on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, and it will become part of your identity and not just this. 
 7:45: Theory at some point down the road. 
 7:49: You will start to embody these things. 
 7:51: It will become habitual and you will start to do it on a daily basis, just like when you wake up, you brush your teeth, right? 
 7:58: You wake up, you brush your teeth, wake up, go to the bathroom, right? 
 8:02: It will become as simple and ingrained in your brain as that, OK? 
 8:08: And people will start to regain their trust in you. 
 8:12: All right? 
 8:13: So, What I want to leave you with today is not necessarily how can I do more. 
 8:22: But how can I be consistent in what I'm already doing before I add more to my plate? 
 8:30: How can I be consistent with what I'm already doing before I add more to my plate? 
 8:35: OK. 
 8:36: A lot of times people are like, oh, I wanna start doing this, and I wanna start doing this, and I want to start doing this. 
 8:42: No, no, no, no, no. 
 8:43: Slow your roll. 
 8:45: Start showing up consistently on your social media. 
 8:49: Start showing up consistently in your household for yourself, in your newsletter, in your sales funnels, for your current clients before you start adding up a gillion other avenues. 
 9:04: To get in front of new people. 
 9:07: Start creating that consistency habit now in your current channels because that habit will then translate over. 
 9:16: Into the new media channels, the new media outlets, so that when you do start to pitch yourself to podcasts, when you do decide that you want to start a YouTube channel, when you do decide that you want to do more collaborations, right, it'll become second nature because you will already have those quote unquote muscles, muscle memory to be able to flex in other areas, OK? 
 9:40: And so write down today, if you're driving, don't do that when you're driving, please, for the love of God. 
 9:48: But think about what things in your life right now can you be more consistent with? 
 9:55: Is it as simple as drinking water? 
 9:58: I know this sounds really stupid, and for me, it is, this is so easy. 
 10:03: This is a no-brainer for me. 
 10:05: I drink easily 80 to 100 ounces of water a day, like, piece of cake. 
 10:12: But the amount of women that I talked to that do not hydrate, blows my mind. 
 10:20: It blows my mind. 
 10:23: That they just don't take the time to drink water, or they don't take the time to go to the bathroom when they actually have to go to the bathroom, or They don't go for a walk. 
 10:39: Or they don't go to sleep on time or they don't wake up when they say they want to wake up, right? 
 10:49: They're just constantly breaking promises to themselves. 
 10:52: Oh, I'll do it tomorrow. 
 10:54: Oh, I'll do it another day. 
 10:55: Oh, I'll do this. 
 10:57: But then they expect other people to keep those same promises to them or keep promises to them when they don't even make promises to themselves, OK. 
 11:07: And so start to think about your sales, your marketing, how you're showing up in your life and in your business, and where you can create more consistency, where you can start to show up and put that open sign on when you actually want it on so that when people come to find you, they don't look at you and go, oh, she's just one of those people that post once in a while. 
 11:33: How can I actually trust her? 
 11:35: Let people know that they can trust you, that you are there to solve their problems, that you're not going anywhere. 
 11:42: I'm sure you've had this experience before too, where maybe you've invested in a product or service and then all of a sudden that person just like up and disappears, or you've had like a really crappy experience or something like that and you're like, well, that was a waste of money. 
 11:56: Don't be that person. 
 11:59: Think about all of the really crappy experiences you've had. 
 12:03: And don't do those things. 
 12:05: Write them all down. 
 12:06: Write down all the really terrible sales or marketing experiences or coaching experiences, consulting experiences, buying experiences in general, whether it was buying a house or a car or a fucking pair of underwear, right? 
 12:22: What made it bad? 
 12:24: And then don't do those things, OK? 
 12:27: What is the opposite of that? 
 12:29: What do you wish would have been better? 
 12:32: And then implement those things into your buying process. 
 12:37: OK. 
 12:38: And then think about the best buying process that you've ever had. 
 12:43: What did you like about it? 
 12:45: And how can you start to embody those things into your buying process? 
 12:49: And this isn't a one size fits all thing, you know, I know I'm a big believer in automations and funnels and teams and all of those things, but there's so many different ways to build your business, so many different ways. 
 13:02: There's very similar foundations, right? 
 13:05: Like everybody's going to have very similar foundations, but this is like how you build it and you know, the different offerings and things like that, like all that stuff's gonna be different, you know. 
 13:14: And it's up to you to decide which ones feel the best for you, because at the end of the day, if you don't like them, guess what? 
 13:24: You're not going to do them. 
 13:26: So this is where you have to start trusting your gut. 
 13:29: Or you're gonna have to start trusting your intuition. 
 13:32: You're going to have to start keeping promises to yourself. 
 13:36: You're gonna have to just start trusting yourself. 
 13:40: I know it seems hard, but like you, you know what you need. 
 13:44: And so sometimes when you invest in people or products or things, like if you, you know, were to work with me or somebody similar, make sure that they aren't just telling you like, here's the 3 steps to success. 
 13:57: I mean, sometimes, yeah, you need those pushes of like the systems and whatnot, but also. 
 14:04: Making sure that you are finding what works for you. 
 14:10: And that These people aren't getting you to rely on them. 
 14:16: For the rest of your life. 
 14:19: Cause that's not very empowering in my experience. 
 14:23: Like I want to educate and empower people, right? 
 14:26: Like I want to have an empowering buying process, an empowered sales process, and that's where I feel like mine is a little bit different. 
 14:34: I don't like the fear-based approach, right? 
 14:37: Where it's like, oh, you have to come to a decision right now or your life will end. 
 14:42: How many times have you guys been on a call where you know somebody pushes you into a corner. 
 14:47: And you don't have, you know, you don't have a choice, but you have to say yes, you're never going to get off that call, you know. 
 14:52: And sometimes I do ask hard questions to people because they're playing small, you know. 
 14:59: They're playing small. 
 15:01: And where do you feel like you're playing small? 
 15:04: And that's OK. 
 15:05: Not everybody's meant to be like this big elaborate thing. 
 15:09: But some of us are. 
 15:12: And some of those people are meant to support the other people, and there is a place for everybody. 
 15:18: There is a place for everybody. 
 15:21: So this week, oh man, I am. 
 15:25: This last couple of weeks has just been a freaking whirlwind. 
 15:29: I'm telling you, between like Christmas and New Year's and like when the kids go back to school and daycare and all that stuff, oh man, it is just like. 
 15:39: My brain is fried, you know, I don't know about you guys, but it is extra hard to stay consistent in all of those things during this specific season of life. 
 15:50: And so I am, I'm ready for 2025 energy right now. 
 15:55: It's, you know, like the first week of January and I am just like, fuck yes, like I feel it. 
 16:01: I'm so excited, like. 
 16:03: 2024 is in the past. 
 16:05: It was like a big growth year shedding lots of layers for me. 
 16:09: But I'm also ready for more consistency, right? 
 16:12: I'm ready to get back into somewhat of a routine, and I never used to be a routine person, but sometimes you even have to schedule in that that freedom to choose whatever you want to do in an afternoon, right? 
 16:26: So like I have blank spaces on my calendar to where it's like, hey, I got nothing on the calendar today, so I'm gonna go grab some coffee and go for a walk, you know. 
 16:34: I know it's weird to schedule in downtime, but you know, you got to schedule in downtime too. 
 16:38: And so that even is that consistency, that routine, those things, right? 
 16:43: So I know it can be tough. 
 16:45: I know sometimes I feel like I'm just ranting and raving at you, but that's not the intent of this. 
 16:50: It's just that, you know, I'm a human having a human experience, and I want to share my experience with you and let you know that you're not alone, but also hold you accountable to a higher a higher vision for yourself, a higher possibility for yourself and not let you off the hook so easy, you know. 
 17:07: There's a lot of coaches out there that'll just be like, or you know, even a lot of coaches, consultants, whatever the hell you wanna call it, that are like, oh, it's no big deal, like just, it's OK. 
 17:17: You know what, it's not OK. 
 17:18: It's not OK. 
 17:20: Because if you and I are having the same conversation a year from now, you're gonna be really upset at yourself. 
 17:24: You're gonna be really upset at yourself. 
 17:25: You're gonna be like, I wish I would have tried harder. 
 17:28: And so I'm that person here that's like, try harder. 
 17:33: Fucking try harder. 
 17:35: I know you can do it. 
 17:37: You've done hard things. 
 17:39: Keep doing hard things. 
 17:40: Just don't beat yourself up for it, right? 
 17:42: It's a mindset shift. 
 17:44: Put your best foot forward. 
 17:47: And that's all you gotta do, right? 
 17:50: Don't beat yourself up over it. 
 17:51: Just give it your all. 
 17:53: Fuck what anybody else says. 
 17:55: That's naysayers. 
 17:57: Find people who are actually going to support you, show up with your full ass and make it happen. 
 18:04: Put your open sign on. 
 18:06: Put your open sign on and stop being a baby about everything. 
 18:12: OK. 
 18:14: I'm also talking to myself a little bit, so. 
 18:19: Just, you know, it's a big fat mirror in front of my face. 
 18:22: Sometimes the things that we need to hear or the things that we say are the things that we need to hear. 
 18:27: So. 
 18:29: That's where I'm at, but Can't wait to see where this year takes us and get your funnels together. 
 18:38: All right. 
 18:39: Catch you later.