Sales Mama with Sausha Davis

Fortune in the Follow-Up: Mastering the Art of Consistency

Sausha Davis

Ever heard the phrase, “The fortune is in the follow-up”? Well, it’s true! In this episode, Sausha is spilling all the secrets on why consistent follow-up is the ultimate game changer in sales. Whether you’re running a business or managing a team, it’s not just about the first connection—it’s about building relationships and staying top of mind. Sausha shares her tried-and-true methods for following up like a pro, without feeling pushy or awkward.

From scripts to strategies, we’re diving into how you can turn casual conversations into long-term clients, unlock hidden opportunities, and seriously boost your sales. If you’re ready to increase your close rate and create stronger connections with ease, hit play! This is the episode that will change the way you do business forever.

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Until next time, stay inspired, keep selling, and take care of those little ones. Peace out! ✌️

0:00: Hey, hey, welcome to Sales Mama podcast. 
 0:04: I'm your host Sausha Davis as always. 
 0:07: And if you're new here, welcome, welcome. 
 0:09: I am a mom of four. 
 0:11: I live in Southern Oregon on a ranch and we are here to talk all things, sales, business and motherhood because I feel like there's a lot of business folks out there, a lot of sales folks out there who talk about sales and business. 
 0:30: But guess what? 
 0:31: They don't have kids or they don't have farms and I don't know about you, but we don't have the same 24 hours in a day. 
 0:42: Ok. 
 0:43: I used to be that person that would say we all have the same 24 hours in a day. 
 0:47: And then I had kids. 
 0:50: I've always had horses, like I've always had horses. 
 0:53: So waking up and, you know, doing chores first thing in the morning has just always been part of my life, you know, and then I added kids to the mix and then I had, you know, four kids. 
 1:03: , and it's, it's hard, you know, we, we can't hustle, we can't do 80 hour work weeks, you know. 
 1:12: And so how do you run a successful business? 
 1:15: How do you, how do you make money? 
 1:18: How do you make sales? 
 1:20: How do you do all the things and still have time for family and still have a thriving household? 
 1:29: Right. 
 1:29: And still have hobbies? 
 1:31: Ok. 
 1:32: And we do like, I have, I have three horses. 
 1:34: I have chickens. 
 1:35: I have ducks. 
 1:36: I have dogs. 
 1:36: I have cats. 
 1:37: I have rabbits. 
 1:38: We have,, cattle, I mean, we don't have a cattle at like our ranch right now. 
 1:43: But,, half the year we do. 
 1:46: You know. 
 1:47: So how do you, how do you manage it all? 
 1:50: Ok. 
 1:50: And that's what I'm here to talk about today. 
 1:52: Systems and automations is a big part of it. 
 1:55: You want to automate as much of your business as possible but do not take you out of your business. 
 2:04: This is a big mistake that I see a lot of folks do when they start to scale, they take themselves completely out of their business. 
 2:14: And it's, it's ok to an extent. 
 2:18: I mean, like I would love to entirely remove, you know, myself from my business at some point. 
 2:24: And so, you know, I want to make that, you know, a gradual, a gradual process. 
 2:28: , I don't want to put myself up on a pedestal. 
 2:31: And so I'm trying to do that from the very beginning that, you know, I'm not the end all be all right. 
 2:36: I'm not the most knowledgeable person in the world, like I want to teach and empower and educate everybody that they can do all of these things, right? 
 2:44: But I very much want to have a personalized experience for my clients and my people from the very beginning. 
 2:50: So how do you do that? 
 2:52: You have a very personalized experience from the beginning and you try to keep that personalized experience throughout the entire process. 
 2:59: And so when I feel like I am being tapped for that specific outcome or that specific, you know, task, then I hire somebody to then help me with that, right? 
 3:13: So when I feel like I've reached capacity for that personal touch, then I hire somebody to help me with that personal touch, right? 
 3:22: And so one of the things that I wanted to talk about today is this doesn't really have to do with the automations or the personal touch necessarily, but it does have to do with the amount of times you have to reach out to somebody or the amount of times you have to quote unquote touch, a lead or touch a prospect in order to move them to a client. 
 3:54: OK, I have this conversation all the time, all the time because most people give up after one or two contacts with a potential leader, a potential prospect, potential client. 
 4:13: However, you want to say it right? 
 4:14: A person in sales lingo, we call it a lead, we call it a prospect, potential client, you know, you can call it whatever you wanna call it. 
 4:21: Basically somebody who you want to work with. 
 4:23: Right. 
 4:24: And most people give up after one or two contacts with this person. 
 4:31: Ok. 
 4:32: Not me, not me. 
 4:34: And I think that's one of the reasons that I have been so successful. 
 4:37: And again, you probably wouldn't know the level of success that I have had visibly online because I don't, I don't showcase it. 
 4:49: I don't brag about it. 
 4:50: I'm not one of those people that's like, oh, I've made this much money or I've done this much thing because, well, a couple of reasons, right? 
 4:58: One, I'm one of those people, I like to have the conversations behind the scenes. 
 5:03: I like to have that very personal touch. 
 5:05: But also because I have very much been in other people's businesses too as a consultant, right? 
 5:10: And so a lot of times you're not showcasing that for yourself because you're also helping other people with their success. 
 5:17: So for example, I am helping others to succeed, not necessarily showcasing my own success, right? 
 5:25: So my, my success is your success if that makes sense. 
 5:31: So by you being successful, that is actually me showcasing how successful I have actually been. 
 5:39: OK. 
 5:40: So your results are a direct reflection of my success. 
 5:45: OK? 
 5:46: And so I've been trying to get better about showcasing that, you know, and I have, I've, I've been getting a lot better, you know, by sharing client testimonials and, and, and things along those lines and how gals have been able to hit, you know, multiple, you know, 20 K months in a row or 15 K months in a row or, you know, I've even worked with people where, you know, we've had multimillion dollar launches, not that I have clients that are doing that right now, but, you know, I've been able to be parts of that and it's really cool to share those experiences and what worked and what didn't work, you know, with my current clients. 
 6:22: You know, that's ve very valuable information that you just don't get from people who are entry level sales reps, right? 
 6:30: So anyways, what am I trying to say here is the things that I have learned in the sales industry is that the fortune is in the follow up and you will hear me say this over and over and over and over again. 
 6:44: Ok? 
 6:45: A lot of times I repeat myself, repeat myself, repeat myself, repeat myself, repeat myself until it is ingrained in your brain and it becomes innate knowledge for you and it just becomes habitual for you to do these things. 
 7:03: So that success, success is within you and these things are just part of you and your business. 
 7:09: So you just show up and you do these things and it's just part of what you do every single day, right? 
 7:14: Like sales and marketing just becomes part of your business, just like your, your business is your business. 
 7:20: Whether it's, whether it's pouring candles, whether it's health coaching, whether you are selling horses, whether you're painting, whether you're selling luxury artwork, whether you're an Air B N B host does not matter. 
 7:35: Ok, whatever it is that you are servicing whatever it is that you are selling whatever product or service it is. 
 7:45: The, the sales and marketing component is a part of it every single day, every single week, every single month, every single year. 
 7:55: Like if you can get really, really, really, really good at that, no matter what it is that you are selling, you will be successful, you will have the level of.