Sales Mama with Sausha Davis

Does your spouse support you or keep you stuck?

July 06, 2024 Sausha Davis

Welcome back to another episode of the Sales Mama podcast, where Sausha dives into all things business, sales and motherhood. Today, Sausha discusses a crucial topic: "Does your spouse support you or keep you stuck?"

Sasha discusses the impact a spouse can have on one's business goals. She shares a story about a woman who felt hindered by her husband's fear of risk, highlighting the importance of having a supportive partner. Sasha reflects on her own experience, noting that while her husband challenges her, he ultimately supports her decisions and trusts her judgment.

Sasha emphasizes the need for open communication and hard conversations in a partnership. She urges listeners to assess whether their partners are truly supportive or if they are the ones holding themselves back out of fear or insecurity. Sasha shares insights on how to have these tough conversations and encourages listeners to involve their partners in their dreams and goals, making them part of the journey.

She also addresses the common sales objection related to spousal approval, offering strategies to handle it effectively. Sasha's message is clear: having the support of your spouse can make a significant difference in achieving your goals, but it requires open communication, mutual trust, and sometimes, a leap of faith.

Tune in to hear more about how to navigate these dynamics and take control of your personal and professional growth.

Don't forget to register for our FREE LIVE Sales Mama Masterclass on July 9th, 2024! Join Sausha as she shares tips on prioritizing your to-dos for more profit and quality family time!

Until next time, stay inspired, keep selling, and take care of those little ones. Peace out!

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